7 June 2024
Vytoki festival: World-class skate park from the NOC of Belarus
The sport and cultural festival Vytoki generates a lot of cool emotions and leaves pleasant memories in every town. The town park and Mukhavets Stadium became the center of the festival life in the town of Pruzhany this weekend.

On Friday President of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus Viktor Lukashenko, Sport and Tourism Minister Sergei Kovalchuk, Chairman of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee Yuri Shuleiko toured the sports infrastructure of the town and visited children's and youth sports school No. 1 and Olympic Reserve Children and Youth Sports School No. 2.


Special attention was given to the Pruzhany ice arena, one of the best centers of winter sports in the region. The guests were briefed about he popularity of the complex.





The afternoon was a time for an Olympic sports and history quest. 15 teams demonstrated excellent knowledge and got the prizes. The winner was the Whales team from Pruzhany that completed the quest in 27 minutes.





A modern skate park, a gift from the NOC of Belarus, has attracted a lot of attention. After the interactive stART it became one of the landmark places in Pruzhany. The park was inaugurated on 7 June. The ceremony featured invited guests, multiple Russian skateboarding champions and participants of the Olympic Games in Tokyo Alexander Gusev, Yegor Kaldikov and Alexandra Timonina and also the best Belarusian representatives of roller sports and the strongest breakdance teams of the country.


President of the Belarusian NOC Viktor Lukashenko opened the Vytoki festival.


"As promised by the organizers, the new-format Vytoki festival will offer a lot of interesting things. The festival atmosphere is felt already at the entrance to the town. It is no secret that Pruzhany is a cultural, historical and sports city. The decision to hold the 20th edition of Vytoki in Brest Oblast is no coincidence. Our festival is a sports, cultural, and family event. We, as good guests, did not come empty-handed. We give the town a beautiful and modern skate park. This gift is the fruit of the joint effort by the NOC of Belarus, regional and local authorities and also artists of the ArtChaos gallery and children who helped design the park. Together with our team, we are always anxious that everything turns out well and that all residents and guests of the town enjoy the holiday," said the president of the NOC of Belarus.


Viktor Lukashenko noted that the festival continues to gain momentum, and wished success to all participants of the Olympic quest due on Saturday.


Brest Oblast has always been a sports region. We have gained some experience in hosting the festival and did our best to justify the trust of the NOC of Belarus. Pruzhany has a good sports infrastructure: a water park, an ice arena, the stadium that was spruced up. We will continue to support our athletes," said Yuri Shuleiko, Chairman of the Brest Oblast Executive Committee.

The festival also hosted an educational seminar for the heads and representatives of various sports institutions and schools of Brest Oblast, specialists in charge of the development of sports and tourism in the region. The speakers were representatives of the Sport and Tourism Ministry of Belarus, Belarusian State University of Physical Education and the National Research Center of Sports.

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The meeting focused on the topics of ideological education of athletes and management in physical culture and sports. Particular attention was paid to the changes in the regulatory framework of the sports industry.

The second day of the festival ended with an interactive theatrical performance “Judging a gentleman by his boots".

On Saturday, 8 June, Vytoki will continue with a large-scale quiz and the Olympic quest, the main event. Participants are in for interesting sports tasks, workshops from leading athletes of our country and many prizes.

Press service of the NOC of Belarus
Photos by the NOC of Belarus
