7 February 2024
Sochi Games anniversary: Belarusian athletes are in the spotlight again

7 February marks 10 years since the start of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, the most successful Games for Team Belarus.

On the occasion of the anniversary of one of the most important sports events in the CIS, which left a rich legacy, the host city held a number of solemn events. President of the Belarusian National Olympic Committee Viktor Lukashenko, Olympic champions Alla Tsuper and Anton Kushnir attended the events at the invitation of the Russian side.
The organizers, when compiling the program for the 10th anniversary celebrations, highlighted the milestones that transformed Sochi and turned this resort city into a sports center.

The start of the celebrations was given on the square near the Marine Station where the opening ceremony of the Winter Sports Day took place. Everyone could try their hand at ice hockey, biathlon, skating and even curling.
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President of the Belarusian NOC Viktor Lukashenko took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The head of the NOC of Belarus, together with other guests of honor, opened the Winter Sports Day and the 22nd Winter Students Spartakiad in the Rosa Khutor mountain cluster.
Secretary General of the Belarusian NOC Ksenia Sankovich noted that the 2014 Games were memorable and most successful for Team Belarus.
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“In Sochi, we got into the top ten: we ranked eighth in the overall medal standings. I hope that in the future we will be able to repeat or even surpass this success," Ksenia Sankovich said.

The NOC secretary general stressed that the athletes became true heroes, performed to the top of their abilities. The Games were easily accessible for Belarusian fans.

For many athletes, participation in the Olympic Games is a lifelong dream, with Olympic medals being the pinnacle of their sporting careers. The 2014 Sochi Olympics was special for Anton Kushnir and AllaTsuper. Our champions shared their impressions with the press service of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus.
It is with great pleasure that I recollect my performance in Sochi. Ten years flew by in an instant. I think it was important for our country to win then. Every time I come back here, I get a lot of positive emotions. Our gratitude goes to the organizers who have invited Alla and me to the Winter Sports Day today. It is a really great event. I have not brought my medal with me today. Earlier my medal was kept in the Olympic Museum in Minsk, but now it occupies the place of honor in my home,” 2014 Sochi Olympic champion in aerial skiing Anton Kushnir said.
“It is a pleasure to take part in such an event here, in Sochi. This place brings back great memories. It was my fifth Olympic Games and a gold medal was of course the most long-awaited gift. I wish all young people to do sports and believe in themselves. Don't give up on your goals. I also keep my medal at home now. My children know well who their mother is and how hard you have to work in sports to win,” AllaTsuper said.



The 22nd Winter Olympic Games in Sochi featured 98 events across 15 disciplines in seven sports. A total of 2,800 athletes from 88 countries took part in the Games.
Team Belarus comprised 26 athletes (15 men and 11 women) in five sports.
Our athletes won six medals: Darya Domracheva - three golds in biathlon; Anton Kushnir – gold in aerials; Alla Tsuper– gold in aerials; Nadezhda Skardino– bronze in biathlon.
For the first time in its history, Belarus placed eighth in the overall medal standings.

Press service of the NOC of Belarus
Photos by the organizers
