Thanks to a high seed in the 57kg category Belarus’ Iryna Kurachkina kicked off her UWW European OG Qualifier run from the quarterfinal where she proved stronger against Russia’s Olga Khoroshavtseva. Iryna Kurachkina then defeated Alina Hrushyna Akobiia of Ukraine in the semifinal.
Performing at the tournament will be freestyle wrestlers Dianis Khramiankou (125kg), Aliaksandr Hurshtyn (90kg), Illia Khamtsou (86kg), Mahamedkhabib Kadzimahamedau (74), Niurgun Skriabin (65kg), and Aryan Tsiutryn (57kg).
So far Olympic berths were secured by Belarusian wrestlers Iryna Kurachkina, Vanesa Kaladzinskaya and Abubakar Khaslakhanau. The World OG Qualifier in Istanbul in May 2024 will be another chance for athletes to earn Paris licenses.
As of 6 April, Team Belarus earned 11 Paris Olympics licenses.
Press service of the NOC of Belarus
Photo by the NOC of Belarus